©The Archaeological Settlements of Turkey - TAY Project
Altinözü |
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Single Findspot |
m |
Mediterranean |
Hatay |
Altinözü |
Merkez |
Investigation Method:
Survey |
Location: This site is 12 km southeast of the city of Antakya close to the town of Altinözü. It extends over a large area southeast of this town which includes the upper terrace and the field it overlooks as well as the western bank of a small branch of the Asi River which lies east of the town. |
Geography and Environment: Low undulating hills are characteristic of this area. No further information is supplied on the geographical positioning of this site. |
History: |
Research and Excavation: Enver Bostanci's 1954 survey in Altinözü yielded many Palaeolithic tools. He does not provide detailed information about the provenience or the characteristics of these artifacts. In another Altinözü survey led by Minzoni-Deroche; a few additional chipped stone tools were collected from a nearby location. |
Stratigraphy: |
Small Finds: Bostanci's surface survey produced two Micoquien (Upper Acheuléen) flintstone biface handaxes and three flakes. One of the two bifaces has a reddish brick-colored patina from the high concentrations of iron-oxide in the soil. Two of the flakes are scrapers; at least one of which is Levalloisien; as confirmed both by Senyürek and Bostanci [Senyürek-Bostanci 1958a:fig. I; V & fig. 2 and Senyürek-Bostanci 1958b: fig.XII]. Both flakes have a light brownish grey patina. Minzoni and Deroche's team; on the other hand; found two blades and 35 flakes in Artifact Scatter "9" of their survey east of Altinözü. The finds have not yet been assigned to a period. The area is rich in Palaeolithic tools and debitage products. |
Remains: |
Interpretation and Dating: |