©The Archaeological Settlements of Turkey - TAY Project

Büyükbüziya Tepesi

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Büyükbüziya Tepesi
Habitation Site / Workshop
760 m
Southeastern Anatolia
Investigation Method:


Location: This site is located south-southeast of Batman; on the high ridge known as Büyükbüziya west of Mount Raman. This ridge appears on a 1:100;000 map.
Geography and Environment: It is believed that this habitation site is smaller than the site of Okçu. It will not be flooded by the dam-lake.
Research and Excavation: The site was discovered in 1989 by G. Algaze and M. Rosenberg during their survey of the sites expected to be flooded by the dam of the lake that is being built on the Tigris River. The artifacts scattered on Büyükbüziya Tepesi were collected in a systematic manner. It is believed that the sites belong to the same horizon as the sites of Okçu and Sincanli. The systematic surface survey revealed that a total of 75 artifacts were found in a 100 square meters at Büyükbüziya Tepe. The find spot revisited in 2003 by H. Taskiran; M. Kartal and BC Sevencan.
Small Finds: Levallois flakes and cores from which such flakes and blades were removed; discoid cores; pyramidal flake cores; cleavers; side scrapers and transverse scrapers and a few biface handaxes were found. It has been suggested that these tools date to the Late Lower Palaeolithic and to the Early Middle Palaeolithic. The researchers have not yet completed the analysis of these finds. The 2003 year finds consist can typologically be dated to the Lower; Middle and (suspiciously) Late Upper Palaolithic. It is known that this region has not yielded any material belonging to the Late Upper Palaeolithic or Epepalaeolithic. The finds in the area have been scattered due to natural causes and this has damaged their insitu position.
Interpretation and Dating:

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